Most problems are of them wanting a food, article of clothing, or interior, but some can involve interacting with other Miis, such as becoming friends with them, or helping them out of a fight. If enough time passes, a Mii will have a problem the player must solve for them. When it is around Night, Miis will go to sleep for the night, and sometimes will dreams, leading to a mini-game the player can interact with. In Tomodachi Life onward, two or more Miis that know the same genre can sing as a group, based on player input. If a Mii is given a song, the player can have them sing a certain genre with lyrics the player can decide. When a Mii levels up, the player is allowed to give a Mii a special item, such as a song, that the Mii can use. If the player gives them an item they like, their happiness will raise, and will level up when it reaches a certain amount. In-game, the player can interact with Miis and give them items, such as food, clothing, interiors, or even play mini-games with them. From Tomodachi Life onwards, married couples can also have babies. While speaking with other Miis, they can become friends, which can eventually lead to a sweetheart or even a marriage. Miis can be given a personality and a voice, and can interact with other Miis on the island. Each game makes use of the DS/3DS' built-in clock, using a "real-time" schedule likened to that of the Animal Crossing series.
Tomodachi is a life-simulation series of games that focuses on Miis, or digital avatars, living all together on an island in the middle of a distant ocean. The series has been produced by Yoshio Sakamoto, best known for his work on games such as the Metroid series. Eventually, the focus shifted more to life simulation, and thus Tomodachi was born. The game was targeted at female gamers and would only feature females as the main characters.

After you've unlocked everything, there's no reason to keep playing.During 2008, Nintendo's SPD division decided to develop a feminine based RPG known as Fortune Telling Notebook for Adult Women.

Unlike Animal Crossing, where there's new things to do everyday Tomodachi Life provides you with things to do, and unlocking them and using them the first few times is the fun part. One day, you'll set it down and never really play it again. Every once in a while you'll see something new and smile, but other than that it's the same thing over and over and over again! After a while, it just loses its charm. But after those precious first few weeks, enjoyment takes a nose dive. For the first few weeks of playing this game, you'll be hooked! Everyday you'll be checking back on your island, expanding it and helping out the locals. As for gameplay, you populate an island with your Mii characters and watch as they make friends, fall in love, and get into all sorts of wacky antics. The visuals are good enough, nothing spectacular but passable. The music is ear-bleedingly catchy, you'll be humming the main themes until you die.
It loves to crack jokes and, I'll admit, I smiled at quite a few of them. It has a relaxing feel with a quirky tone. It loves to crack jokes and, I'll admit, I smiled Tomodachi Life is an odd game to say the least. Tomodachi Life is an odd game to say the least. Because the content problem is actually the only problem with Tomodachi Life. Who doesn't expect a second Animal Crossing or Sims will have fun with Tomodachi Life! I would definitely like a new Tomodachi Life for the Nintendo Switch with more content. In summary I can recommend Tomodachi Life for the little fun in between. This gave me a whole new experience again and again. I had about 100 hours of fun with Tomodachi Life by restarting several times. And that's what makes the game so interesting. Tomodachi Life is obviously not a game that you play for several hours at a time. That is also very beautiful! This is all very funny and fun - but after a while very monotonous. The Miis can also fall in love with each other and get married. You can visit the Miis, feed them, play mini-games and make friends with them. The gameplay is repetitive after a while. You shouldn't expect a second Animal Crossing or Sims at Tomodachi Life. Tomodachi Life is a very sweet game in which you can play with your virtual friends (Miis), feed them and have fun.
If you know that it doesn't offer a lot of content and you know how to have fun with it, then you have fun. If you know that it doesn't offer a lot of content and you know how to have fun with it, You shouldn't expect too much from Tomodachi Life.

You shouldn't expect too much from Tomodachi Life.